Not only do these not take much time, a lot of them are wallet friendly. There is a little something for every age/every fandom.
One of my most recent posts would work for a Disney fan so head to that, and show your friend you know their favorite things by customizing them a pair of Disney ears. Custom Disney Ears Tutorial
So here we go with some mini tutorials, and links to my past tutorials to show you techniques!
I love make up. It's no secret. I have buckets of make up, I think it's a mental disorder... so this gift was inspired by my crazy make up looks I do when I go out. A lot of people ask what make up I used, or "hey is that inspired by _(insert character here)_?"
I did one of these simple and inexpensively priced sets for a friends birthday, you can make it as expensive as you want depending on the make up brands you choose. This particular character is Cheetah, and you really don't have to be able to draw at all. There are a ton of blank eye shadow diagrams on the internet that you could copy/paste, and type up instructions on a word document, then color in the lines. You could easily turn this into a comic nail art gift, with the colors of a character, and a diagram of how to paint the design on a nail.
This is a make up organizer (see? it's all about make up) you can pick up for extremely cheap at Big Lots or Walmart, or even more likely on the internet. All I did was cut out some comic scenes and mod podge them to my organizer. The sky is the limit here. You can paint it and then mod podge ANYTHING the person likes on this thing. You could put glitter on it and seal it with mod podge. You could line those little drawers with fancy paper. You could then fill it with brushes and make up if you really wanted. And then you could put a little tag with a diagram like the one above of how to do a special themed make up. (I'm really pushing this make up thing)
Oh my gosh...All this talk about make up and nothing for a run of the mill male comic nerd? AAAAAAAAA! Wrong. Here is a frame. A simple cheap frame from Michael's. Mod Podge + Comics (Specifically Grayson, Tim, and Stephanie) You can then put a super great print from any number of artists in it, or leave it empty for a comic cover or print you know they have.
At this point you may be thinking, aw poo, I don't have any comics (shame) or any that you'd be willing to cut up. Or furthermore, any comics that your friend reads/likes. Or even FURTHERMORE, my friend doesn't like comics, but he or she likes _______. Print out anything on regular paper and use mod podge. You have NO EXCUSES.
Hey, back to fancy stuff. Remember way oh way back when I wrote up a post about how to customize a pair of shoes? (I think I wrote 2) Here are the links, go make your fancy friends some shoes. (Again, sky is the limit. Disney, Anime, Comics, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Labyrinth, the list of fandoms is huge)
One of my new found favorite weapons in the old arsenal is Sculpey. Seriously, there are tutorials ALL OVER THE INTERNET for everything you could possibly imagine. You can make ornaments, jewelry, props, hair's crazy. Popular things? Tentacles. Make your friends some tentacle things. Because tentacles. You just roll out a snake of sculpey in the thickness you desire, shape it, roll tiny little balls and push them on with a pencil to make the suckers. Bake it according to package instructions. Done.
You can also get clever for the holidays and theme the tentacles, I've done several pairs of these candy cane ones, they are so hot right now!

Are you good at crochet? Knitting? Whip up a character themed scarf or hat. Again, billions of tutorials on the google. Here we see my attempts at Gir from Invader Zim scarf with pockets, and hat.
This hat is my favorite. And the friend really really loved it.
This was a gift for myself. I found a 12 dollar table and put my favorite characters all over it. I then sealed it in several layers of clear coat spray paint.
Last but not least, gift wrapping can be part of the whole gift too. Don't forget my previous post on gift wrap, seen here:
Comic Wrap
I've been doing a lot more styles, if you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you know all about them, but here is some new eye candy. A quick version of Aquaman:
Also, here is my favorite gift wrap look of the year:
You've got a little pouch on the belt to hide something small in, it has a cape, and pecs!
I think my favorite look from last year was definitely nightmare before christmas paper, which you can either find on or make yourself with whatever background color and sharpies. Bows can be made with big black ribbon and white paint, or one tutorial was all about duct tape and white out. (Kinda messy process.)
I hope this was helpful, Merry Cthrsthmasth from Cthulhu!
Stay tuned for my Monster High Cosplays and corresponding tutorials coming soon!
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